Tiny love stories – Batchmate

It was my first day of college. College brings a new dimension of freedom to teenagers with new friends and a fun-filled environment. As I entered the classroom, I found a few of my school friends as well! I felt good that I would not feel lonely.

The lecture was yet to start, and we were all waiting for our new Physics teacher when my eyes fell on a cute little girl sitting near the wall. She was a little chubby with a beautiful smile and spectacles slightly down the nose. She was adorable to view. I asked my friends who she was. They told me to ignore her, she was some nerdy chubby creature.

The classes started and we all became busy with studies. There were too many assignments and projects to do. With that, we had our fun parties, outings, and picnics. I was the dashing, vibrant boy of the class; always the face of the crowd and someone with whom all the girls wanted to be, and all the boys were jealous. But every other time my eyes used to turn to Lizzy. Yes, she was the same chubby, nerdy girl. There was some sort of attraction I could not avoid.

So, I tried to be friends with her. She was a shy girl, and I thought she would not like to talk in class or school. I started waiting for her on the way back from college and then meet her as if I had met her just by chance. Not that she did not understand. After a couple of such instances, she told me,” Why are you doing such crazy acts. I know you wait for me here. We are so different. I do not think we can be friends. Don’t try to befriend me anymore.” So blunt! I was taken aback.

So, I thought,” Fine, I will not bother her anymore.” But I could not. Again, I went to her and told her, “I need some help in my studies. Could you help me? You study so well.” Surprisingly, she agreed and responded, “You could have told that earlier. Why didn’t you?” I mused; the trick worked!

We became friends. She would diligently teach me while my attention would be on her. I could talk with her for hours. We became good friends in some time.

Then came the time of final exams. The classes would end. We all would not be together anymore. To think of it, I would not be able to spend time with Lizzy anymore! I asked her can we meet after the classes are over. She mused and asked why. I could not help it and poured my heart out. To my pleasant surprise, she too blushed and expressed that she also loved me dearly. It was the 4th of March, and we called it our Valentine’s day!

Thus, started my affair of love, with my chubby little nerd, Lizzy. We both crossed the bumpy road of life together, with all the hurdles posed by social and challenges.

We are now married for 15 years. Though immersed in the daily chaotic life, we still celebrate the 4th of March as our Valentine’s day.

So, friends, any day you celebrate love, becomes your Valentine’s day. When is yours?

1 Comment

  1. Beautiful writeup…

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